The Lost Prince

Explore: Finding God's Ways

Chapter 1. Allegiance

Reread the closing lines of the chapter, where Loristan has Marco take the "oath of allegiance" to Samavia. Here are some questions to consider:

Chapter 2. Education

Much of this chapter discusses Marco's education. The author uses the story to offer some interesting observations and insights on the topic.

Chapter 3. Training

While wandering the streets of London pondering the story of the Lost Prince, Marco crosses paths with a man who speaks to him in Samavian. The man calls Marco "well trained." At first, Marco wonders why the man would say that he was "well behaved." Then he remembers that the man actually said he was "well trained."

Chapter 4. The Heart

Still strolling through London, Marco meets a handicapped boy who calls himself "The Rat." This person is a sharp contrast to those Marco has just encountered—the mysterious nobleman who speaks Samavian and the King of England himself. The assumptions and reactions of both Marco and The Rat during their chance meeting give interesting insights into their characters.

Chapter 5. Faithfulness With Little Things

One interesting theme throughout the book is that doing the little things right matters, even if it isn't obvious how. That theme is certainly prominent in this chapter.

Chapter 6. Love, Obedience, and Trust

At the very heart of The Lost Prince is the loyalty and love Marco and Loristan have for each other. The first part of this chapter highlights the intensity of their commitment to one another.

Chapter 7. Usefulness

Loristan now entrusts Marco with an important task—rising in the middle of the night and giving a secret password to an important visitor, the nobleman who had spoken Samavian to him earlier.

Chapter 8. Focus

This section of the book, besides bringing the story to a critical point in the plot, also reveals an intensity of focus in its main characters.

Chapter 9. A Listening Father

At the heart of this chapter is a wonderful interaction between Marco and Loristan, when the boy decides to take the risk of telling his father about "the game."

Chapter 10. A Captured Heart

The Rat has arrived unexpectedly at Marco and Loristan's apartment to inform them that his father has died. Loristan treats him with dignity and compassion. The Rat is changed forever by this experience.

Chapter 11. Submission

To The Rat's delight, Loristan invites him to join the household. The Rat is completely ready to submit himself under Loristan's leadership.

Chapter 12. Devotion

The Rat now settles into Loristan and Marco's home. On the surface, not much seems to be happening; it is a time of preparation and waiting. But in a very real sense, the events in this chapter are among the most important in the entire book.

Chapter 13. Giving Your Life Away

After The Rat had been staying with Marco for two or three days, Loristan surprises him by suggesting that he continue training the "squad" of boys who have been his friends. Loristan thrills The Rat by calling the boys "his men."

Chapters 14 & 15. Poise

For the first time, Marco finds himself in real danger. He has been tricked by an elderly woman who, taking advantage of his kind nature, has lured him into a trap. He now must rely on his training so that he can remain calm and poised.

Chapters 16 & 17. Friendship

At last Marco is freed from his captivity. His rescuer is not Loristan or Lazarus or some heroic figure, but The Rat—the boy who tried to chase Marco away with stones only a short time before!

Chapter 18. Family

Marco's ordeal does more than strengthen his relationship with The Rat and Loristan—it bonds each of them, along with Lazarus, into a tight knit unit.

Chapter 19. Diligence

Marco and The Rat now begin "the game" for real. Absolutely critical for their success is the willingness and ability to prepare themselves and to obey their assignments with diligence and determination.

Chapters 20 & 21. Provision

As Marco and The Rat were planning their journey, they felt willing to beg to support themselves if necessary. But as the trip unfolds, they begin to receive unexpected gifts of various kinds—nothing extravagant, perhaps, but still provision enough for their needs.

Chapter 22. Discernment

In their next destination—Salzburg—the boys face a different kind of challenge. Should they give the Sign to a man who looks almost exactly like their sketch, but strikes both of them as being somehow different? Showing good judgment in complicated situations and seeing the right way to proceed is called discernment.

Chapter 23. Significance

The assignment that Loristan has given to Marco and The Rat often takes them to people who seem insignificant on the surface—as do the boys themselves! Certainly no one has appeared less significant than this elderly woman in a remote mountain village. One major theme of The Lost Prince is that true significance is based on something very different than the shallow things the world values.

Chapter 24. Faith and Unity

Several times throughout the boys' trip, their assignment proves difficult. Passing the Sign on to the Austrian prince is certainly one of those times. Whenever their circumstances became challenging, it was faith in Loristan that carried the boys through.

Chapters 25 & 26. Faithfulness

Marco and The Rat continue their difficult assignment. They manage to complete it, although it requires them to spend the night outside in a powerful thunderstorm! This portion of "the game" has required them both to show a high level of faithfulness.

Chapter 27. Watchfulness

The old shepherd takes Marco and The Rat to meet with a secret group called "The Forgers of the Sword." This organization has prepared for the day the Lost Prince would return ever since he vanished.

Chapters 28 & 29. Peace

The boys hurry home to London and discover that Loristan has traveled to Samavia. Together with Lazarus, they settle down to wait for news from him.

Chapters 30 & 31. Royalty

The story ends with triumph, reward, joy—and a reunion. Marco and The Rat now begin a very different journey to Samavia. They are going there to join Loristan, now that Samavia is at peace.
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